Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Walk Through California and Apple Field Trip

Dear Parents of Mrs. Bantley's class:

The class will be participating in the Walk Through California! and we would like to invite you to join the class.  This is a fun 2 1/2 hour history presentation taking place at Montair.  Since 1981 California Weekly Explorer, Inc. has educated hundreds of thousands of 4th, 5th and 6th grade students throughout the state of California.

During the program students will have an opportunity to participate in a number of ways.  One or more "Expert Word Cards" have been assigned to your child.  Please help your child memorize the card(s) and find the answer(s) to the question on the card(s).  This will help earn points for their team during this friendly classroom competition.  The students are encouraged, but not required, to wear period clothing from California history.  If nothing else, it would be appreciated if your student could refrain from current fashions and wear blue jeans/muted clothing.  Later in the year, there will be a dress-up day where students will be assigned a period in history to represent.

Watch history come alive for students!  Your child will remember this experience for years to come and walk away with a stronger appreciation for history.  We hope to see you on Monday, October 22 at 8:50am.  Due to the length of the presentation, it is suggested that younger siblings find alternative childcare. 

Additionally, the class will be taking a field trip on Friday, October 26th to the Apple Store in Pleasanton.  At this field trip, we will be learning how to and creating an electronic presentation using photos and videos gathered at the Walk Through California.  If you haven't returned   the permission slip, please do so.  

In order to pull all this off, we need some help from the parents:  

- We need three parents on Monday to be dedicated photographers during the whole presentation.  Basic pictures and some videos…  We will be consolidating them after the presentation.
- We need to borrow flash drives (8GB or more is best) to get their presentations home from the Apple Store.  Please label them and bring them in next week and give to Mrs. Bantley.  They will be returned after the field trip.  We need at least 15 drives.

Thank you so much for your support (and participation)!!

Jen Kral (for Mrs. Bantley)

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